Thursday, March 18, 2010

"For the Love of Green" Contest Winners

So, we had this "St. Patrick's Day" pot of gold contest.

There was a lot of very positive feedback given about how much fun this activity was (and also that it was a little difficult--which is good!).

Well, now it's time to commend all of you who were brave enough--

to face this challenge put forth by me (Beadlady5 aka margo).

With that said, here are the actual 4 who were randomly picked (from all those who were able to find the 12 studios with the 12 green items with clues) to receive a pair of special "Irish Green" earrings.

1. "BeadsbyHaffina"

2. Rani

3. "JewelsoutofTime" and "GlassandWireGems" (a tie)



  1. Congratulations all!! Glass & have won my emerald Swarovski gold earrings...
